User Guide
1. Introduction
5.8 X-EQ Band Parameters and Control Ranges
Key Features
X-EQ Graphical User Interface
2. System Requirements
Apple Macintosh
6. X-EQ Filter Types
6.1 Bell Filters
6.2 Shelving Filters
6.3 Cut Filters
3. Installation & Authorisation
4. Some History
7. X-EQ Signal Flow
7.1 Serial mode
7.2 Parallel mode
8. Application Tips
9. Duende Support
9.1 Support FAQs
5. Operational Overview
1. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing the X-EQ plug-in for the SSL Liberated from any analogue style control legacy, the X-EQ
Duende platform. X-EQ is a versatile and comprehensive graphical user interface will especially appeal to people who
mastering grade parametric EQ plug-in built from the ground like to see what they are hearing. The fully interactive EQ
up for Duende. It has an unprecedented clarity, smoothness, display shows the exact filter shapes and resulting curves of
and excellent high-frequency response.
the different EQ bands, and a real-time spectrum analyser
allows you to see the effect of your EQ settings on the overall
frequency spectrum of the sound source. Extensive control
options include dragable EQ nodes, traditional mouse
parameter control and exact numerical entry.
The plug-in is available in both mono and stereo instances in
VST, AU and RTAS formats making it compatible with
virtually all audio software currently available on both PC and
The use of innovative coefficient generation and innovative
processing design provides superior performance that
surpasses analogue EQ in both artistic freedom and sound
quality. This plug-in may well provide all the different EQ
options you will ever need.
A total of 10 EQ bands are provided, split into dedicated HP
and LP filters, LF and HF shelves and 6 bell bands. A Parallel
EQ mode is also provided which recreates the characteristic
sound of an old parallel passive PEQ circuit built with As with other Duende plug-ins, X-EQ is capable of operating
inductors and capacitors.
at 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96kHz sampling rates, where a mono
instance at 44.1/48kHz occupies 1 Duende processing slot.
This figure is doubled for stereo use and doubled again for
88.2/96kHz operation.
In addition to this, different filter types are provided
independently for each of the 10 bands. The HP and LP filters
have 5 different topologies available, the 6 bell bands each
offer 9 different characteristic shapes and the LF and HF
shelving filters offer variable Q. Together these cover the vast
majority of EQ styles currently popular amongst professional
users, including some legacy styles which are renowned for
their artistic capability and some unique designs only possible
in the digital domain.
Key Features
10 band fully parametric high quality digital EQ
A total of 16 different filter types: 5 different cut filters, 9 bell shapes, shelving filters and a parallel mode
Extensive control options including dragable EQ graph nodes, mouse wheel adjustment and numerical data entry
Extremely low noise and low non-linear distortion filter algorithms resulting in the residual THD+N significantly lower
than 24-bit quantisation noise
Comprehensive stereo/mono peak (with clip-hold), RMS and dynamic history metering at input and output
Different bell filter types are all normalised to look identical at +6dB boost allowing for quick comparison between
filter types
Proprietary preset management functions providing compatibility between all major DAW platforms
A/B functionality for easy comparison of any two settings
Individual band bypass
Global soft latency free bypass
Real-time FFT Analyser showing the result of the EQ processing on the audio spectrum
Superb mastering grade audio quality delivered by Duende’s 40-bit floating point engine
Preset library based on settings used by some of the worlds top mixing engineers
X-EQ Graphical User Interface
12 11
Stereo/mono input meter
Input gain control
Preset Management buttons
HP filter and LF shelf bands
6 independent bell shape bands
Parallel mode button
LP filter and HF shelf bands
FFT analyser on/off
Band control section
10 Stereo/mono output meter
11 Output level control
12 Duende logo – Command + click (Mac) or
Ctrl + click (PC) here for ProductActivation
13 Graphical EQ display with analyser
14 Latency free plug-in bypass
2. System Requirements
Apple Macintosh
SSL Duende running V2.2 software and firmware
PowerPC G4/G5 or Intel 1.0GHz or higher
512Mb RAM (1Gb recommended)
SSL Duende running V2.2 software and firmware
Minimum of Intel Pentium IV 1.0GHz or equivalent
512Mb RAM (1Gb recommended)
Windows XP
Mac OS X (Version 10.4.10 or higher)
60Mb of free hard disk space
80Mb of free hard disk space
Audio Units, VST or RTAS* compatible host
Approved VST or RTAS* compatible host application
17" or larger colour monitor with screen resolution of
17" or larger colour monitor with screen resolution of
1024 x 768 or higher recommended
1024 x 768 or higher recommended
Internet Connection
Internet Connection
(for product registration and software updates)
(for product registration and software updates)
Plug-in formats
VST and RTAS* versions are provided for use under Windows XP on the PC platform
VST, AU and RTAS* formats are provided in a universal binary format for Intel based and PowerPC Macs.
As with other Duende plug-ins, X-EQ will take one ‘slot’ at 44.1/48kHz in mono. Please see the Duende manual for more
information on DSP resource management.
* RTAS support is provided by the included FXpansion VST-RTAS wrapper: www.fxpansion.com
3. Installation & Authorisation
A time limited trial version of X-EQ will be installed during 4. In step 3 you will be asked to enter your Authentication
the Duende V2.2 software update. This allows X-EQ to be run
in evaluation mode, which means the plug-in can be used with
full functionality until a certain number of samples of audio
have been processed. At 48kHz this gives approximately 10
hours of continuous use for either stereo or mono plug-ins. At
the point where 10 minutes of the evaluation period remains,
the countdown timer will turn red. Once the timer reaches ‘0h
0m 0s’the sample count has been reached and the plug-in will
cease to process audio.
If you wish to continue using X-EQ after this period, you can
purchase the full version from http://solid-state-
completed, you will have an unrestricted version of X-EQ.
ID. This is found in the X-EQ Production Activation
box. Command + click (Mac) or Ctrl + click (PC) on
the Duende logo in the X-EQ GUI to open this box.
5. If your Duende hardware is not already registered you
will be asked to register it here.
6. Enter your payment details, your order will be
completed and you will be provided with the
Unlock Key.
7. Return to the Product Activation box and enter the
Unlock Key – X-EQ is now authorised for unlimited
Please note that X-EQ will only run on the particular
Duende hardware for which it is authorised
To obtain an authorised version of X-EQ please do the
in to your SSL account. If you do not already have an
account, please create one.
2. Under the ‘SSLProducts and Admin’section, proceed
to the Online Shop.
3. Add X-EQ to your cart and confirm your identity in the
next step.
Authentication ID
Unlock Key
4. Some History
4.1 An Audio Engineer’s Best Friend
4.3 Analogue Parametric EQ Modelling
The equaliser is the oldest and the most popular sound In today’s era of digital audio workstations, hundreds of
processing tool. From the earliest days, its main function has software parametric equalisers are available. Many of them
been to correct or enhance sound by boosting or cutting are intended to be “THE best sounding equaliser ever”. The
certain frequency ranges. Engineers have developed countless truth is that only few of them are recognised and adored by the
equalisers for over 50 years and some of them became experts. You may ask why one equaliser sounds great while
legendary and were considered bench marks. The most another does not. This question is almost as old as the
popular type of EQ in recording and post-production studios equaliser itself and still is not completely answered. On the
is the parametric equaliser or PEQ. It offers maximal one hand there are some obvious rules which must be
flexibility due to direct access to all relevant filter parameters. followed when designing a good sounding PEQ, on the other
Properly used the PEQ is a very powerful tool and the best hand some never really proven esoteric claims driven by
friend of every sound engineer in the battle for perfect sound. marketing departments or self-nominated audio evangelists.
If misused, it can be the greatest enemy of any recording.
Especially treasured analogue equalisers are considered by
some people as being absolutely unique and unmatched by
any ‘dirty’ digital equaliser. The truth is that with a properly
designed, fully parametric analytic EQ every amplitude and
phase characteristic of any other equaliser setup can be
recreated. Of course, the contribution of distortions to the
specific sound of a particular analogue equaliser caused by
the respective electronics has to be considered. If the
distortions are ‘good’, they may make certain applications
sound better. Usually however, ‘bad’ non linear distortions
and other deficiencies like limited dynamic range are surely
not responsible for a ‘magic’ sound. Therefore our policy in
digital PEQ design has always been to make the equaliser
4.2 The Best of the Analogue and Digital Worlds
X-EQ is a creative equalising tool combining the best of both
the analogue and digital worlds. We recreated the most
legendary analogue equalisers and added a few experimental
characteristics only possible the in digital domain. By using
proprietary filter algorithms, we have achieved a huge
dynamic range as well as extremely low noise and distortion
level, and thus unparalleled sound purity; impossible with any
analogue circuitry.
filters as precise and clean as possible. For controlled effective in certain situations (eg. ‘surgically’ removing
generation of distortions we recommend using enhancers or troublesome frequencies), it should not be considered as a
any other specialised processors with proper built-in anti- superior tool for the majority of EQ tasks.
aliasing technology.
Linear phase equalisers have become popular over the past
few years due to the proliferation of powerful digital
processors. We decided not to go down that route with X-EQ
and we think you’ll agree with that decision. Maybe linear
phase EQ is something we will explore in the future but…
who knows? An equaliser not only changes the relative
frequency balance of a signal but also its phase. If you EQ a
sound until it sounds right or natural, then the chances are that
you are EQing to make it sound in phase with the rest of the
mix. We need say no more on this subject.
4.4 Non- Linear Phase EQ
Phase shift in equipment is probably one of the most
misunderstood topics in audio. Phase shifts often get blamed
for anything that is not classed as typical distortion. The reality
is that all analogue EQs produce a deviation from linear phase
which is specifically related to the shape of the EQ curve, and
it is precisely these phase changes which produce the required
gain reductions. This is a very natural process which can be
found in the audio characteristics of rooms, materials and
Though it is not possible for us to detect phase in isolation,
the phase shift of an EQ can often be the cause of the ‘magical’
sound of that device once the EQ’d signal is added back into
the mix. For example, the Duende channel EQ derived from
the SSL analogue consoles – plenty of phase shift and plenty
of magic!
In contrast, a linear-phase EQ delays all frequencies by the
same amount. This can only be achieved in the digital domain
by using special techniques. While this process is very
4.5 Parallel Passive EQ
Parallel EQ exhibits quite different sonic properties to the In X-EQ – when the ‘parallel’ button is engaged – you are
familiar serial parametric EQ. We are generally used to presented with a parallel passive EQ model which the original
hearing the effect of one EQ band superimposed on another, designers of these devices could only have dreamed of. The
as opposed to the band interaction inherent to a parallel EQ. noise floor can be disregarded due to the huge resolution
Because the bands are placed in a parallel configuration, phase allowed by Duende.
cancellations and re-enforcements happen which is not always
You may find yourself entering this mode more and more as
obvious when first encountered.
you become familiar with the sonic signature. Larger gain
Passive EQ is something that is found in old equaliser units changes are possible without colouration, and boost starts to
and is generally known for its transparent and natural sound, become something that is useable to a significant degree in a
but has some problems associated with it. However, in the digital EQ!
digital domain these shortcomings do not have such an
Parallel EQ does however exhibit asymmetry in its boost and
cut characteristics. But this is not such a bad thing as most
A passive EQ does not have any gain elements, but can still engineers would agree that boost is best done with low (wide)
have controls to seemingly boost frequencies as well as cut. Q values and cut with a higher (narrower) Q.
What actually happens is that the entire signal is cut by an
amount, but the frequencies which are apparently ‘boosted’
are simply not cut as much. Therefore the unit must attenuate
either the input, the output, or both to allow enough headroom.
Unfortunately in the analogue domain, a 20dB reduction in
signal level produces a 20dB increase in the noise floor.
Luckily, in the digital domain with a 40-bit floating point DSP,
these issues do not remain.
5. Operational Overview
5.1 Graphical EQ Display
5.2 Control Options in Band Control and Input/Output
Move the mouse cursor either up/down or
in a circular movement over a knob to
adjust it’s parameter value. The exact
nature of the movement you need to make
to change a knob value is dictated by your
When you click on any of the EQ band nodes on the display The scroll wheel can also be set to alter
the corresponding band parameters will be shown in the Band parameter values here.
Control section on the right. These can be adjusted with the
Press ‘Shift’ whilst scrolling for increased
mouse cursor, scroll wheel or numerically using the keyboard.
The colour of the node corresponds to the colour on the Band
Command + Click (Mac) or Ctrl + Click
(PC) on a knob to reset it to it’s default
Section and the Band Selector.
Mouse Operations in Graphical Display
Click and hold on any bell or shelf node to move it in two
dimensions simultaneously:
Exact numerical entry is possible by double clicking on the
value box.
Mouse drag Up/Down
Mouse drag Left/Right
When moving the LP and HP filter nodes:
Mouse drag Up/Down
Mouse drag Left/Right
The input and output sliders function in the same
manner as knobs, allowing you to move with
mouse cursor, scroll (with shift as fine adjust)
and reset using modifier keys.
Exact numerical entry is possible for any value
by double clicking on the value box.
Band Gain can be entered upto a resolution of
0.1dB, and frequency, Q and input/output gain
values to one decimal place.
5.3 Save, Load and A/B Functionality
Permanent preset storage and retrieval can be carried out by
using the Load and Save buttons. Because the .sslpreset
files used by X-EQ use a standardised file interchange format
they are fully platform and software independent meaning any
stored setting or collection of presets can be easily transferred
between workstations. This includes Intel and PowerPC
Macintoshes, Windows XP and Vista (32-bit) PCs, and any
compatible audio software including Cubase, Nuendo, Logic,
Pro Tools, Live! and Sonar amongst others. Stereo and mono
presets are also fully compatible.
Clicking the ‘Load’ button with the left mouse button will
bring up a standard Mac OSX or Windows dialogue box
asking you to choose a file to load
The ‘Save’ button behaves in the same manner, and when
clicked will ask you to choose a destination to store the file.
It is suggested that X-EQ presets are stored in the ‘SSL
Presets’ directory created during install in the ‘Solid State
Logic’ folder.
Alternatively, you may wish to store the presets in a sub- 5.4 Meters
directory within your project folder.
The X-EQ input and output meter displays are, in fact, three
A/B functionality, providing two different memory locations, meters in one. They offer various ways to easily read the Peak
is included for easy comparison of any two settings. When the and RMS levels of a signal over time, and the 'dynamic
plug-in is instantiate memory location A is selected by default, history' meter allows you to see at a glance how the amplitude
as shown left. Pressing the A/B toggle button will move to has been changing over the past second or so. A 30dB range
memory location B which allows you to set up a completely from 0dB FS downwards gives ample information about the
independent EQ curve. Pressing the A/B button again will amplitude of the signal.
return to A. You may wish to use this function to compare two
very similar settings or to keep a ‘maybe’ setting in reserve if
your current one does not work out.
You may wish to copy one memory location to another so it
becomes the starting point for a different setting you may wish
to explore.
Dynamic History
Example: To copy from location A to location B:
1. Save the preset to a temporary location on your hard
disk whilst in location A
2. Toggle to location B
3. Load the stored preset
Peak Meter and
Clip Indicaor
RMS Meter
Peak Meter and Clip Indicator
5.5 FFT Spectrum Analyser
The wide meter bar to the left is a responsive peak meter
which allows you to observe the exact input level at any point
in time. A red clip light at the top of the meters indicates that
three consecutive samples are at maximum which is taken to
mean that the input is higher than 0dB FS and is therefore
clipping. It will stay illuminated for 1 second following clip
detection, after which it will automatically clear. It can also
be cleared at any point with a mouse click.
A real-time FFT analyser engine reports the amplitude of all
frequencies at any moment in time. As the analyser is placed
post-EQ, you can see what effect the processing has on the
frequency spectrum. The Spectrum Analyser makes it easy to
spot an offending frequency that needs attenuating, or a range
of frequencies that require boost.
Dynamic History Meter
The thin white bracket on the far right of the meter gives an
indication of the recent dynamic range of a signal. The top of
the bracket measures the most recent peak level of the signal,
where as the bottom of the line shows the smallest peak to
have happened recently. If the bracket is long it indicates that
the signal has a large swing in dynamic range and if it is short
the range is small. If the top and bottom points of the bracket
are quickly moving around, it can be assumed that the
dynamic range is quickly changing, which could be
interpreted as an ‘energetic’ signal.
The analyser graphic can be turned off and on with the
‘Analyse’ button.
5.6 Automation
RMS Meter
Every X-EQ plug-in parameter can be automated as long as
parameter automation is supported by the host application.
The method for recording and editing automation varies from
host to host. For specific instructions on using automation
with your host, consult the host application’s documentation.
The thinner bar to the right of this shows the RMS (average)
level. This is useful in graphically judging the ‘loudness’ of
the signal and when used in conjunction with the peak meter
can give a good idea of the peak to RMS ratio (crest factor) of
the signal.
5.7 Global Bypass
Because Duende plug-ins cause a noticeable latency at higher host buffer settings, the bypass button provided by the DAW can
cause an undesirable shift in time. For this reason a latency-free global bypass (In/Out) button is included. When this is engaged
the audio is still passed to and from Duende, but is unchanged as all X-EQ processing (including input and output gains) are
bypassed. This gives a smooth, glitch free bypass function and we recommend that you use this method every time.
5.8 X-EQ Band Parameters and Control Range
HP Filter
Low Shelf
Midband 1
Midband 2
Midband 3
Midband 4
Midband 5
Midband 6
High Shelf
LP Filter
20Hz – 1020Hz
20Hz – 1020Hz
20Hz – 20kHz
20Hz – 20kHz
20Hz – 20kHz
20Hz – 20kHz
20Hz – 20kHz
20Hz – 20kHz
500Hz – 20kHz
500Hz – 20kHz
0 – 48dB/oct in 6dB steps
0.3 – 10.3
0.3 – 10.3
0.3 – 10.3
0.3 – 10.3
0.3 – 10.3
0.3 – 10.3
0.3 – 10.3
0.3 – 10.3
0 – 48dB/oct in 6dB steps
6. X-EQ Filter Types
6.1 Bell Filters
Q Definitions
P – 3dB – Classical definition that means Q is measured 3dB below peak for boost or 3dB above peak for cut.
0 – 3dB – Definition used for bells in some US products, the bandwidth for Q calculation is measured 3dB below 0dB line for
cut or 3dB above for boost. Q in both definitions correct only for +6dB boost/cut.
P/2 – New “musical” definition based on the bandwidth measurement in the middle of a bell filter, between peak and 0dB line.
Normalisation – All 12 equalisers are normalised to have exactly the same bell shape for +6dB boost.
Classic Symmetrical
The most popular parametric EQ shape used in various mixing
consoles and outboard gear. Almost constant Q characteristic.
P – 3dB
Often features in older equalisers. Boost as above but much
narrower cut characteristic.
P – 3dB boost
0 – 3dB (x2) cut
Proportional 1
Proportional equalisers are recognised as being more ‘musical’than
Constant Q. The bells are wider below +6dB and narrower above
+6dB (or –6dB for cut).
Proportional 2
Like Proportional 1 but with larger changes below and
above +6dB peak (or –6dB for cut).
P –3dB
Proportional 3
Like Proportional 1 but with extra widened bells between 0 and
+3dB (or –3dB for cut).
P – 3dB
Constant Q Asymmetrical
Used in some US products and mixers. The boost characteristics are
defined according to 0 – 3dB formula. Extra widened between –3dB
and 0dB.
P – 3dB boost, 0 – 3dB cut
Constant Q Asymmetrical Reverse
Exactly like above but with mirrored boost and cut characteristics.
Constant Q Invert
Both boost and cut characteristics are both defined according to 0 –
3dB formula.
0 – 3dB
Constant Q New
Defined Q is always perfectly maintained independent of bell gain
(also below 6dB). In terms of P – 3dB definition of this equaliser
can be classified as proportional.
Recreates the passive LC parallel equaliser with all its advantages
(sound) and disadvantages (band interaction, asymmetry). As found
in graphic equalisers.
3dB boost, 0 – 3dB (x2) cut
6.2 Shelving Filters
Low and High shelves
Q value is used to control overshoot characteristic. On the left is the
Low shelf filter with a low Q value, on the right the High shelf filter
exhibits overshoot with a large Q value.
6.3 Cut Filters
“Critical Damped” filters simulate a chain of passive analogue RC
(for high-cut) and CR (for low-cut) stages fixing a behaviour similar
to a series of RC elements in vintage analogue equipment.
Phase behaviour leads to no overshoot or ringing resulting
from a sudden transition between signal levels. The
drawback is a sluggish roll-off rate.
No ringing or overshoot in the time domain, but slow roll-off in the
frequency domain.
Characterised by having a maximally flat magnitude
response, i.e, no amplitude ripple in the passband.
Characterised by having an equiripple magnitude response, meaning
the magnitude increases and decreases regularly from DC to the
cutoff frequency.
7. X-EQ Signal Flow
7.1 Serial Mode
7.2 Parallel Mode
In serial (default) filter mode, the input signal is initially When the Parallel button is engaged, the six bell bands are
amplified or attenuated using the input gain slider and then arranged in an alternative manner. As in serial mode, the signal
passed to the input meter. It then enters the serial filter chain, is fed to the input stage, into the high pass filter and then onto
has processing applied, and is then passed to the output stage, the low shelf filter. The signal is then fed to all six bands
again with level control and metering.
simultaneously, processed and then summed back together.
Finally, again as in the serial mode, the signal is passed to the
high shelf filter, high pass filter and into the output stage.
The Band Control section and Interactive EQ graph are both
used to control the band parameters. As the signal leaves the
filter chain, it is also fed to the analyser which derives a
graphical display.
8. Application Tips
As said earlier, the equaliser is probably the oldest and the
most popular sound processing tool. Parametric EQ (PEQ) in
particular offers maximal flexibility due to direct access to all
relevant filter parameters. Properly used, the PEQ is a very
powerful tool and the best friend of every sound engineer in
the battle for perfect sound but if misused, it can be the
greatest enemy of any recording! There is no universal
formula stating how to properly use the PEQ as every new
recording or mixing session is unique. Here we present only
a few universal guidelines which are valid for the majority of
situations. For further directions see the respective literature,
ask experienced colleagues and be creative. You may also
wish to look at the Duende tutorials, available for download
from our website here:
instruments are recorded on the same track. Remember
that when you use an equaliser to boost or cut a certain
part of sound at the adjusted centre frequency, you are
also boosting or cutting frequencies nearby.
Your tracks may sound great when soloed but that
doesn’t mean that they will still be great in the context
of your mix. Mixing a multitrack recording is like
solving a complicated puzzle or creating a great
painting. Every part (instrument or voice) has to have
its proper place in the overall sound image. Change the
settings in small increments. Use the In/Out bypass
button regularly to flip back and forth between the
equalised and unprocessed sound. Always equalise
tracks in the context of the rest of the mix to avoid sonic
Be aware that boosting the gain of a frequency region
can cause signal clipping at the output of the sound
card. Therefore, use the X-EQ output slider to
compensate for this before the signal enters the DAW
Do not exaggerate with boosting. It is much better to
concentrate on a proper recording setup than to rely on
extreme EQ corrections. Use good mics, placed in just
the right spot. Equalisers are a lot more effective taking
away things in the signal than replacing what was never
there. If the sound is not good without EQ, then you
will never end up with a perfect sound using it.
For sound enhancement use moderate Q values. High Q
is always associated with a strong phase shift that can
negatively influence the sound, especially if more
9. X-EQ Support
9.1 Support FAQs
To access the latest support information on Duende, please visit our online support site. The information there is kept up to
date by our support staff to make sure all information is accurate. All information is available to you 24/7.
If you can’t find your answer or a solution to your issue, you can submit a question on the site to our support staff for resolution.
X-EQ was developed by Solid State Logic in collaboration with DSP software house Algorithmix.
Solid State Logic
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Visit SSL at: www.solid-state-logic.com
© Solid State Logic
All Rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions
Drumstrip, Duende, SL 4000 E Series, Solid State Logic, SSL and X-EQ are trademarks of Solid State Logic
All other product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, whether mechanical or
electronic, without the written permission of Solid State Logic, Oxford, OX5 1RU, England
As research and development is a continual process, Solid State Logic reserves the right to change
the features and specifications described herein without notice or obligation.
Solid State Logic cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly
from any error or omission in this manual.
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